Andrew Hessel is a distinguished figure in the realm of genomics and synthetic biology, making transformative strides in advancing human and animal health through cutting-edge innovations. As the President of Humane Genomics, he leads an early-stage venture committed to the development of synthetic viruses with profound implications for health and wellbeing. With an unwavering commitment to scientific progress, Andrew is the Co-founder and Chairman of the Center of Excellence for Engineering Biology, a pioneering institution that catalyzes breakthroughs in the manipulation of biological systems.Moreover, Andrew's influence extends to the Genome Project-write, an international scientific initiative that aims to engineer extensive genomes, including the intricate human genome. This colossal undertaking is a testament to his dedication to pushing the boundaries of scientific achievement for the betterment of humanity.Having held the position of Distinguished Research Scientist at Autodesk Life Sciences, Andrew Hessel is renowned for his expertise in harnessing computational tools to navigate the complexities of life sciences. His overarching goal is to facilitate a deeper understanding of living systems, enabling humanity to leverage these intricate mechanisms to fulfill our diverse needs. Through his multifaceted contributions, Andrew Hessel continues to redefine the possibilities of synthetic biology and genomics, propelling us toward a future shaped by innovative solutions that resonate across health, science, and society.
Sustainability, Future Forecasting, Design Thinking, Strategy, Impact
This workshop will explore our possible biological futures, both good and bad, no holds barred.Life is the only thing we all have in common and it's the only technology that many people stillattribute to the gods. We didn't make life. It made us. And if we aren't careful, it could be whatends us, too, in a great filter existential crisis Fermi paradox kind of way.This workshop will not provide answers. It will only generate more questions. It will start lateand will end when the last person taps out or the sun rises. Absolutely no recording devices ofany kind will be permitted.Attending the presentation THE FUTURE OF LIFE ON EARTH AND BEYOND orHUMAN GENOME EDITING, GENOME SYNTHESIS, AND CLONING is arecommended prerequisite.
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Philosophy of Technology, Regulation and Policy, Design Thinking
This 75 minute presentation and discussion will provide participants with an in-depthunderstanding of the science, technology, and ethics behind one of the most controversial topicsin genetics: turning the powerful tools of genetic engineering on ourselves and our children.Human reproduction changed forever in July 1978 with the birth of Louise Brown, the first so-called "test tube" baby. Today, because of IVF and other reproductive technologies, millions ofchildren exist that otherwise would not have been born. The continued digitization of biology isbringing new, even more powerful capabilities online, including the ability to deeply profile andedit the genomes of embryos. The path forward – and its implications for parents, children, andsociety – remains murky but will likely clarify with more time and experience.Suitable for all participants interested in the latest developments in genetic engineering, butespecially scientists, medical professionals, and policymakers, this session will deliver anunderstanding of the historical landmarks of assisted reproduction technologies. The discussionwill then move on to the latest breakthroughs in genome editing, genome synthesis, and cloning,and their potential impact on human health and society. It will also provide insights into thefuture of human genetic engineering and the challenges of regulating new technologies that areadvancing at a rapid pace.Participants will leave well-prepared to explore these cutting-edge technologies further andperhaps one day apply them to their own reproductive and longevity strategies.
Biotechnology, Sustainability, Bioethics, Regulation and Policy, Philosophy
This 90 minute presentation and discussion will help participants understand the foundationalchanges happening in life science as biology digitizes and transforms into an engineering-baseddiscipline.Life is the first exponential technology and it touches every person, organization, and enterpriseeverywhere on planet Earth even more than computing. Despite this, it is mysterious and poorlyunderstood because it wasn't created by people. For centuries, researchers have classified livingorganisms and disassembled them down to their nanoscale molecular structures. Now we areshifting from reverse engineering to forward engineering and starting to program living systemsfrom scratch. This transition is only possible because of digital technologies -- AI-based softwaretools, massive datasets, and robotic technologies.Participants will gain insights into the wide-ranging applications being developed, the factorslimiting the pace of development, and future trends. They'll learn that humanity is entering newevolutionary territory and that the era of natural selection has ended, at least for our species. Thetalk will be followed by about 30 minutes of discussion.This presentation will help everyone from students to executives appreciate the scale ofopportunities and challenges that lie ahead in the coming decades and to explore ways to benefitfrom or act on this knowledge. Warning: this program may lead to the changing of careers orprograms of study, the investment in or the of new companies, and the re-examination of corebelief systems.