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Hla Hla Win

CEO & Co-Founder, 360ed
  • Location
  • Area of Expertise
    Impact, Entrepreneurship
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Hla Hla Win is a longtime educator and social entrepreneur who dares to dream and brings her dream into reality with Augmented Reality. Hla Hla is best known for creating next-generation interactive learning apps for young learners in the most challenging community.

As a child, Hla Hla did not thrive in the traditional schooling structure in Myanmar. But her mother never stopped believing in her, going the extra mile to find other ways, such as colorful flashcards, to stimulate Hla Hla’s curiosity and dedication to learning. Filled with confidence and perseverance, Hla Hla earned full scholarships for higher education in USA including a master’s degree Harvard University and then began her journey as a social entrepreneur.

After becoming a parent, Hla Hla was inspired by the need to stay involved in her daughter’s education as a busy professional, and she co-created next-level home-based learning apps to make elevated learning available to every household.

For decades, her mission has been to make learning exciting, fun, and accessible to all children. After studying at Singularity University, she undertook a mission to bring cutting-edge digital technologies to mobile learning platforms across the globe. She became involved in the digitization of the national curriculum and adoption of digital learning apps on a national level in Myanmar and pushed to make improved education more accessible across rural and urban areas.


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